institutional school

美 [ˌɪnstɪˈtuːʃənl skuːl]英 [ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃənl skuːl]
  • n.制度学派
institutional schoolinstitutional school
  1. The tenancy system as seen as from the institutional school


  2. Given that the corporations are interested in the diversification , this paper obtains from the diversification motive , the main principal-agent theory and the institutional school theory will be carried on the theory discussion .


  3. On the Institutional School of Law


  4. Besides the rent-seeking theory , other analytic ways of economics , such as economic man , game theory , marginal analysis , general-equilibrium analysis and exchange costs theory of new institutional school , can be used to analyse the problem of corruption .


  5. In the late of 20th century , organization research has developed institutional school whose stress is structural strain and the correlated school whose connotation is economic theory , such as the theory of exchange-cost of Williamson , thus formed the new extension .


  6. The period of new institutional economic school .


  7. The transition period from the early institutional economic school to new institutional economic school ;


  8. A Commentary Review on New Institutional Economic School


  9. Traditional economics regards fortune as the only variable of utility function , which has been critiqued by new historical school and institutional economic school .


  10. New institutional economic school apears in U.S.A. of 50 ~ 60 times of the 20th century . They developed by the early institutional economic school .


  11. Institutional obstacles affecting school children of migrant workers have become an important crux of the problem .


  12. Creating an education policy environment of stability and unity and building a harmonious system of education policies can provide an institutional guarantee for school education .


  13. He had no institutional education beyond high school .


  14. All these problems relate to our institutional lag and modern school system has not been established .


  15. This part mainly introduces the institutional composition of American school choice , which includes support from government and finance , legal insurance and detailed measures .


  16. It turns school cultural functions from generalization into specific implementations , mainly in three aspects , that is , consciousness of material culture of a school , consciousness of institutional culture of a school and consciousness of spiritual culture of a school .


  17. From the early institutional economic schools t institutional economic school , have experienced three developing periods on the whole : the period of early institutional economic school ;
